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Many times we have had the feeling that, with the best intentions, there are many people who see more genius than effort and work in our works. And we tell them that it is not like that. Another thing is that the reader perceives an apparent almost organic ease (something we already seek). In reality, behind each of our projects, there is a lot of hours, days, weeks, months, and even years of work. Behind the hands of the pianist who interprets a musical piece with all ease, there is a mountain of work, exercises, rehearsals, and errors. That's the pianist, that's us.

The birth process of "Agus and monsters," for example, makes the above statement clear.

The first Word file with the name "agusmonstre" is from the year 2007, but it took 6 years for the series to appear in September 2013.

In these six years, there was continuous, silent, and unknown work to the public around the creation of the characters, the plot, and, ultimately, the creation of a whole world. Not to mention the continuous search for the exact format we were looking for. Few people know that there is an unpublished book titled "Agus Pianola and monster's book"

It is an illustrated novel that alternates text with a few ink drawings without speech bubbles.

The photos in this post will serve you as a little preview. Well, when we had this book written, drawn, formatted, corrected, edited, and ready to go to print, we decided that we wanted to keep working, that we wanted to continue exploring the world we had in our hands and how we wanted to explain it.

In retrospect, it is truly a miracle that Noemí Mercadé, our editor, accepted our proposal.

And if for "Agus and monsters," it went like this, the same happened with 'Bitmax.' The first time we thought about the 'Bitmax&Co' series – and at that time we didn't even have the name – was when the first two books of 'Agus y los monstruos' had just been released.

Then, a drawing by Liliana hanging in her studio made us think it contained a world to explore. And we got to work.

It was barely 2014, and we had to reach 2020, again accompanied by Noemí Mercadé and her team, to bring 'Bitmax&Co' to bookstores.

Maybe now you're thinking that the work and time each of our projects demands must be like torture. Well.

We have to tell you that it is a process we enjoy in a bad way.

Yes, it puts us through tough times, moments of insecurity, tearing drawings, and erasing texts, but there are magical moments when that world that didn't exist is taking shape until it becomes a reality. Then, and not before, is the time to share it with the readers.

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